Totally recommend this one! Fumbled Past is on Amazon! Grab your hands on the book / kindle!

I’m practically slapping myself for letting this sit after reading several other books already – feeling guilty for almost forgetting to write the review for this beauty! Luckily, it’s not a book you forget.

This one starts off in the present time before swinging into a retelling of the characters’ past and how they all got to where they were in the present. I never liked stories that swap from present to past, but let me tell ya, if the writer does it right, you’re definitely gonna get sucked into it like I have with this one.

It starts off with Sadie and her husband walking back to the stadium she practically grew up in because her father built it from the ground up. Her father was Couch Z and it’s obvious he was no longer there with them, hence why she was stepping into the stadium after years of being away with her husband and three kids.

The few questions swimming in my head at the time was – why doesn’t the husband have a name, who was the other guy on the field that kinda felt like he was avoiding her, and what happened to her dad?

That’s how her past comes in and a retelling of it begins. Sadie grew up with her dad, a widower. He never remarried. He made his career and his daughter his priority, and he was great at both. Every year since Sadie was still in elementary school, she grew accustomed to the football players that came to the house for their weekly hangout. And Sadie along with her next door neighbour, Aaron, would always help prep before everyone’s arrival. Sadie and Aaron were also best friends, along with Heather and Megan.

As they entered high school, Sadie and Aaron were still helping Coach Z prep the house especially when Aaron was also part of the football team now. When the doorbell rang, both of them were curious who it could be because Coach was particular with punctuality – but this person arrived a little too early.

When Sadie opens the door, it was someone she didn’t recognize. Aaron comes to view to greet him and to tell him that he was too early. But Coach interrupts them and invites the team’s new tight end in. Enter Beau Brady.

Sadie never thought much for her best friend Aaron, but when Beau arrived, she found him intriguing. Quiet. He’s always on his own. Chill guy. Until he found out he shares a class with Sadie and that’s how they started hanging out a little. But he goes and disappear again, leaving Sadie to spend most of her time with her other friends.

Things start getting interesting when Beau got invited to hang with the rest of the kids by the lake where he notices the way Sadie and Aaron interacts with each other, but ignores it.

The story is basically how any teenage girl would feel when faced with similar dilemmas. It’s the confusion and miscommunication that sends this story into a spiral. It’s between the boy best friend she grew up with or the new guy who often confuses her. And it doesn’t help that Aaron twists it up for her – hence the confusion with her feelings.

When her father found out that both of his star players were interested with his daughter, it was not an abort-abort situation. It was mostly discipline first then guidance, and just whatever happens happen. It’s really sweet actually. Coach Z is the best dad character out there and it was hard when he passed.

Throughout Sadie’s teen years, she was juggling school but also deciding who the hell she actually loved the most. And the story doesn’t disappoint. It may be frustrating at some point, but it eventually settles and the ending leads you to who eventually became her husband and who the other guy at the field was.

No spoilers for this one. It’s actually a great read if you’re into sports romance and the romance twist. To be honest, it’s very obvious who she was going for in the end. 😉

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